Friday, June 1, 2012

Please Wing It Over to a New Blog

Follow me - the Black-headed Grosbeak.
Wild Whidbey, the nature blog, is on break. But it's not a very big break, because I'm blogging like crazy about nature on a new blog called Off the Rails.

Please wing it over there with me and subscribe to Off the Rails. Just click on the blog name to make the jump. Then, when you get there, subscribe if you'd like to continue to receive my posts.

I started the new blog because I'm dealing this summer with some health issues. To get the whole story you'll need to go back to Part 1, which I posted in Off the Rails in April.

I wanted the flexibility to include a bit about health, writing, dogs and other topics from time to time, but didn't feel they really fit the mission of Wild Whidbey. Thanks for staying with me.

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