Watching this female Northern Harrier at Crockett Lake
the other day I couldn’t stop thinking about why I am so happy.
It’s because I love living so close to nature. The harrier glides effortlessly over the marsh, studying everything that moves. Watching such a specialized hunter relaxes and fascinates
me. It reminds me that we have
much in common with our wild cousins. We all have a niche to fill and need wholesome places to live and hunt. We have a new generation to raise. To survive, we must adapt and learn, pick our battles and focus on what really matters.
But everything comes with tradeoffs. The price of a rural, island lifestyle is that
we don’t have as much convenience – or stress -- as we did where we came from. Prices are a little higher but the
payback is priceless. That, to me, is "what really matters."
We locals love to say we support our small-town shops. They provide jobs and tax revenue to strengthen
our local economy. They are a big
part of what makes our communities distinctive, charming and vibrant.
So I was horrified when a friend told me of
this conversation she overheard the other day in a local shop.
“I’m thinking about ordering this book,” a customer asked the
bookshop owner. “Can you beat Amazon’s price?”
“Oh hi, Sis!” the owner said. (Yes, it really was the owner’s sister.) “Let me check.” A moment later the owner explained, “I’ll be
glad to order it for you but it’ll be about $2 more.”
“Oh, don’t bother,” her sister said. “I’ll order it from
Please think about the implications of this on several levels.
To get into the right mental frame for some clear thinking, may I suggest an hour with the harriers at Crockett Lake?
To get into the right mental frame for some clear thinking, may I suggest an hour with the harriers at Crockett Lake?